Sunday, September 18, 2011


On Labor Day weekend Cory and I went to DC to visit my college friends Rebecca and Irene. While we were waiting for Irene to get to town from NYC, we wandered around the National Mall. The new Martin Luther King Jr. monument was unveiled just a few days before we got there, so we figured we should stop by.

MLK coming out of a mountain
Apparently there's some controversy about MLK's expression. Some people think it's too negative - not celebratory enough. I think he looks pretty good.

Stern, but impressive
After a little more wandering we picked up Irene and Marty (her husband) from the bus station and went out to the Chesapeake Bay.

Me and Rebecca in front of the U.S. Capitol
Once we got to Rebecca and Cullen's "Bay House" we spent our time hanging out, catching up, drinking beer, and generally having a good time. It's always good to see old friends!

Irene and Marty dancing with me at Mango's

Monday, September 12, 2011

Triathlon #2

In early August I ran my second-ever triathlon. It was a sprint distance: .5 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run.
2011 Danskin Triathlon
I ran the exact same triathlon two years ago and got almost exactly the same time on every event. I guess that's what happens when you follow the same training program. I was within 30 seconds for each of my legs, including the transitions.

We started in groups of about 50 in Lake Washington
Happy to be out of the water!
My friend Laura and I both ran the race. She started 4 minutes before me. I was able to pass her on the bike. Then Laura was able to pass me on the run (not my strong suit) and we finished with very similar times.

Coming in after the bike
My friends Kristin (aka Richard) and Liz Swary were in town visiting, so they came out to cheer us on.

Laura, Richard, Liz, and me

 As did Cory...
Thanks for the sweatshirt!
 This medal - as well as our post-race breakfast at Denny's - was well-earned!

Everyone's a winner

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have been remiss in posting because I have been studying for the GRE, which I finally took a week and a half ago. I won't know how I did for sure until November, since I took the revised version and they're still ironing out the scoring process. I think I did pretty well though.

I'm not totally sure about grad school yet, but I'm looking in to a few programs and figured that I'd better get step one out of the way - taking the GRE.

Now it's on to more fun and exciting things. I have to make up all the posts I missed, including: the Danskin triathlon, Liz Swary's visit, a baby on a boat, and my recent Labor Day trip to DC.

Woo Hoo!