Monday, October 31, 2011

Redbirds & Cougars

So I know I should be posting about Halloween, which I will be doing soon, but I spent a lot of time over the past week watching the Cardinals. Well, it was worth it. They won the World Series on Friday night!

Last Saturday, however, I had conflicting sports events. The Cardinals were playing at 5.

Britt, me, and Nick - the Cardinals Crew
While the WSU Cougars - Cory's team - were playing at 7 in Seattle. We had tickets to the game.

Cory, Laura, and me - the WAZZU Crew
It's a tough life when you have so many teams to support. We ended up hanging out at a bar near the stadium. The Cardinals Crew stayed to watch the end of the baseball game and then met up with the WAZZU Crew in the stadium at halftime. Unfortunately the Cougs didn't fare as well as the Cardinals. At least I picked one winning team this week.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cardinal Fever!

In case you haven't been watching, the Cardinals are in the World Series. In mid-September, they were all but out of it. They kept winning and the Braves kept losing and somehow they managed to sneak into the playoffs as the wild card. Then they beat the Phillies. Then the Brewers. And now they're playing the Rangers in the World Series.

This is amazing because a) it was so unlikely they would make it this far and b) STL is a baseball town with awesome fans, including my family members.

My cousin Matt flew in for a playoff game from San Francisco and decided to dress up like the Rally Squirrel.

My cousin Matt preparing for a playoff game
What's the Rally Squirrel you ask?

Well, in the Phillies series a squirrel ran across home plate during a pitch in the bottom of the 5th inning. The Cardinals won that game and the Rally Squirrel was born.

Cards fans (including me - in case you forgot I went to college there and love the Cards) have embraced the squirrel. His rodent mojo continues to help the Cardinals win, so let's hope they can pull off three more and clinch the title!

World Series Game 1 - so far the squirrels are working!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Usual Vegas

I've come to learn that once you've been to Vegas a few times (I've been more than a few) AND you're closing in on 30, it's just not as exciting as it used to be.

Cory and I went to Vegas in mid-September for Barrie's birthday. Barrie is Kirk's girlfriend. Kirk is Cory's best friend (and soon-to-be Best Man). Barrie had never been, so Kirk wanted to take her for her 25th.

Cory, Barrie, Kirk, Willer
Upon arrival at the New York, New York someone had puked all over our hallway. They cleaned it up fairly quickly, but the odor lingered. Yum. After that it was your typical Vegas trip. The boys went golfing and the girls laid by the pool. We walked around and looked at the different attractions: MGM lions, Bellagio fountains, Mirage volcano, etc. We considered having a drink in the Minus 5 Ice Bar at Mandalay Bay, but it seemed too chilly.

We spent most of our time hanging out with out our friends. Kirk's parents and some other "adults" were there too, so we got to catch up and watch some silly shows with them - specifically, Big Elvis and Wonder Boogie.

Big Elvis is pretty big
You know you've been at a show too long when they play the same set twice

In the end Barrie had fun, as well as a giant drink and balloon hat. That's all that really matters.

25 Years and 225 ounces!