Tuesday, October 4, 2011

STL Weekend

I went to St. Louis this weekend to go wedding dress shopping with my Mom, Grandma, and Aunt. Obviously I can't post pictures of the dresses, but we did find one. Yay!

The best part of the weekend, though, was getting to see my baby cousin Oscar. He was unexpectedly in town with his parents and we got to spend Friday night with them. He's two and going to be our ring bearer at the wedding next year.

Oscar learning to fly
I also had the rare opportunity to be in a four-generational family photo. Here are all the kids from my Grandma's side (except my other two cousins Jason and Tommy).

4 generations of Mathers


  1. YAY for the dress! I love the family photo, too.

  2. I thought that said "four generations of MOTHERS" and thought it was just a sassy announcement.
