Thursday, April 21, 2011

Curling Fun

Who has ever heard of anyone curling (other than in the Winter Olympics of course)? I haven't. I only think about it every 4 years. At least until now...

Granite Curling Club - Seattle, WA
Apparently curling is quite popular in the Seattle area. I guess that's not a surprise since we're so close to Canada, but I still find it hard to believe that it's popular enough to have a curling club that's been around for 50 years.

According to our curling instructor, the Granite Curling Club is the only dedicated curling facility in the U.S. "this side of North Dakota" - potentially my favorite statistic ever.

Cory throwing the stone
Nick and Cory - Ready to sweep!
A group of us were invited to tag along on a birthday party for a friend of a friend since they needed 30 people to rent out the whole place. We had 6 people and one instructor to a lane.

After learning the basics from our Donald Sutherland look-a-like instructor (ironically named Don), we split up and played a very serious match. Don was very pleased with our athleticism, new-found curling skills, and competitive natures. I only fell over while sweeping once, but I think that's what cost my team the game. Blue lost to red - 6 to 5. Although you do normally play to 8....

I'm a natural!

1 comment:

  1. I'm embarrassed to say that I lived in Minnesota for four years and never went curling. So cool!
